Vol 13 No 1 (February/March 2023)
Vladimir S. Todorovic, Inus Snyman and Andre W. van Zyl
Lateral window Sinus Floor Elevation technique
Marleen Peumans, David Geštakovski, Jacopo Mattiussi and Kostas Karagiannopoulos
Injection moulding technique with injectable composites: quick fix or long-lasting solution?
Corneliu Gherasim
Intentional replantation
Johan Hartshorne
Practicing safe prescribing in dental practice: Medico-legal, ethical, and professional considerations
Paula Corvello
Guided One-stage and Two-stage implant placement in the anterior zone: a 3-year follow-up
Shiraz Khan
Conservative smile makeover using resin infiltration and microabrasion
Surina Sehgal
Medically compromised and vulnerable mouths
Vol 13 No 2 (April/May 2023)
Vladimir S. Todorovic, Inus Snyman and Andre W. van ZylDental Implants and Anticoagulation therapy – a clinical dilemma
Peet J. van der Vyver and Martin Vorster
The use of magnification, transillumination and methylene blue dye to determine the extent of structural cracks in teeth
Newton Fahl
A conservative approach to restoring the worn anterior dentition
Johan Hartshorne
Up-to-date International Guidance on antibiotic prophylaxis and prevention of infective endocarditis
Tran Hung Lam
Interdisciplinary approach for a missing upper incisor: Orthodontic treatment, GBR & placement of a bone level implant
Meenakshi Lall
Management of stained fluorotic teeth
Wallid Boujemaa
Simple chords of shades for harmonious restorations
Vol 13 No 3 (June/July 2023)
Inus Snyman, Vladimir S. Todorovic and Andre W. van Zyl
Dental implants and medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ)
Peet J. van der Vyver and Martin Vorster
The MB2 canal in Maxillary Molars – Part 2: Canal Negotiation and Preparation
Christian Lampson
Enjoy the simple things: cementation with selfadhesive resin cement
Paul Reaney
Digital dentistry and dental sleep medicine
Johan Hartshorne
Ethical and moral landscape between profession and business in modern day private dental practice
Sergio Piano
Three-unit bridge in the posterior area with bone level implants and immediate prosthesis: a step by step case report.
María Alejandra Perelló Sureda and Osvaldo Zmener
Extensive internal root resorption
Vol 13 No 4 (August/September 2023)
Andre W. van Zyl
Non-surgical therapy of periodontitis: Essential for successful dental Implant therapy
Andre W. van Zyl and Wynand P. Dreyer
Oral biopsies, an essential part of dental practice
Alessandro Martini
‘Unbleachable’ discolourations: truth versus myth
Ethics –
Johan Hartshorne
Is the use of botox and dermal fillers by dentists a cause for ethical and dento-legal concern?
Josette Camilleri
Hydraulic cements in endodontics
Hendrik Zellerhoff
Single-visit, all-ceramic anterior tooth restorations in the dental practice
Mark Bultmann and Katharina de Buhr
Expectations met: hybrid abutment crown made of zirconium oxide with vestibular cut-back
Clarence P. Tam
Premolar case with a nano-hybrid, intuitive universal composite
Vol 13 No 5 (October/November 2023)
Andre W. van ZylOral Cancer – Clinical variants of importance
Vladimir S. Todorovic and Andre W. van Zyl
Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation
Falk Schwendicke
Amalgam: Gone for good?
Ethics – Johan Hartshorne
Preventing adverse events (AE’s) and promoting safer outcomes for patients in dentistry
Andre Chen
Guided 4-unit ceramic rehabilitation over two ceramic implants
Marcelo Balsamo
89 % nanofilled composite for aesthetic fillings in posterior region
Mauricio Umeno Watanabe
Minimally invasive reconstruction of anterior teeth – A combination of 3D printing, press technique and adhesive bonding
Vol 13 No 6 (December 2023/January 2024)
Willie F. P. van Heerden, Andre W. van Zyl and Wynand P. DreyerOral Cancer – A Clinical Update
Vladimir S. Todorovic and Andre W. van Zyl
Two stage implant placement: Exposure and management of soft tissues for optimal aesthetics and function
Vladislav Dvoyris
Artificial intelligence as a day-to-day diagnostic aid in the dental practice
Marco Simonetti, Benedetta Gori, Dario Marzocco, Marco Broglio and Giuseppe Teani
Post-endodontic hybrid ceramic restoration
Ethics – Johan Hartshorne
Polypharmacy, artificial intelligence (AI) and rational medication prescribing – The new frontier
Laura Ceballos García, Roland Frankenberger, Ivo Krejci and Marleen Peumans
Going universal – adhesives in the dental clinic